I knew that would get your attention. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is not going to be a steamy article on the sexual activities of retired or semi retired adults. I just want to let you know that the Pelican Players are putting on a spoof about retirement living on April 16th and 17th. It is called “Sex after Sixty” and will be held in the Borini Theatre at The Kings Point north clubhouse. It should be a hoot to see, so make sure you get a ticket.
Many of the snowbirds are heading back up north. I’m having a hard time figuring out why. There are still a lot of snow storms that hit in April and the weather up there still isn’t warm enough to shed a jacket. Florida is absolutely awesome this time of year. The daytime temperatures are not too warm and the evenings stay warm enough that you don’t even have to wear a sweater.
I see that the Kings Pont Clubhouse Theatre is hosting a Professional Wrestling Event on April 12th. For those of you who like to see some heart stopping, ear pounding action, it should be a good time. Hopefully you won’t be too close to the ring to get fake blood splattered on you. I’m just kidding!! Admission is FREE, but they are accepting donations to the SCC Rescue Squad.
It looks like they also have some pretty good bus tours lined up. I saw some pro baseball games, some dinner theatres, a few mall trips, a trip to Busch Gardens and even a trip to the Tampa Bay Downs for some “Thoroughbred Racing” on the schedule. Make sure you call or visit the box office to get signed up.
The KP Borini Theatre is hosting a “Pirates of the Caribbean” line dance on April 23rd. It’s a BYOB event, so a bottle of Captain Morgan’s Rum would suit the occasion.
The south clubhouse is still hosting their “Rockin’ Rendezvous every Thursday night. If you haven’t attended yet, and enjoy a good time you need to check it out.
I would love to hear your comments on this and previous Blogs. Tell me what you want to learn about Sun City Center, Florida. Or better yet, please be my guest and write up an article that I can post. I promise I will give you full credit.
Don’t forget to check out our website at http://www.snowbirdnests.com/